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Armed in Christ Logo

Initially founded to spread the Gospel and prophetic messages about Heaven, Hell, and the End Times to the inner cities, Armed in Christ Ministries has grown as it ventures into a wide reach of spiritual teachings, theological studies, books, and videos to share the messages it was founded to spread on a larger stage. The first production, a book series to uncover the truth hidden in Scripture, the “Whole Truth” book series, starting with “The Whole Truth About the Rapture”.

Thomas Armentrout

Thomas Armentrout

Inner City Evangelist and Street Preacher dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the messages and warnings He has sent out to His people. He founded Armed in Christ Ministries to share the messages of Heaven, Hell, the End Times and the Rapture with the world from God’s prophets in today’s world.

Jacob and Sophia Armentrout

Jacob & Sophia


Husband and Wife writers, editors, and bookmakers. Publisher and manufacturer for all Armed in Christ Ministries' publications and messages.

Open Book


We publish and produce our publications locally in the United States. Our books and other forms of media are made in-house with great care. All our books and messages are published from writer to reader, without an external editor that may change or remove important teachings in our works.


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