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The Truth I Believe About the Trump Prophesies

The Lord did not personally reveal to me that Trump would be President for a second term, what I believe God did reveal to me in 2019 is that our country was in great trouble and in danger of judgement. He did not audibly say this to me; it was a strong impression on my spirit. I believed this enough that I obeyed God, I quit my job in Alaska and went to back to the lower 48-states to return to the mission that I started a long time ago. A mission to the inner cities of the United States of America. I took a job in Nashville, Tennessee, and planned to use my weekends and vacations to do these missions, and I would fund the missions myself. By mid-January, I was very unhappy with this new job, so I put in my two-week notice. I still had enough money to survive a few months and went on to finish out the winter writing a book that the Lord was leading me to write, and I would start my mission trip in the spring when the days are warmer and longer and people would be out on the streets. Then the unexpected COVID-19 hit.

The Lord had expanded the book I was writing by several more chapters that still needed to be written. And I was running low on funds and did not have a prospect of new job yet. Unemployment investigated my claim of broken promises made by the employer I left, they confirmed it and gave me back-pay unemployment, which not only allowed me to continue work on the last few chapters of the book, but also gave me enough money to do several weeks of mission trips. After which, the Lord gave me a new job with the same company I left in Alaska, and I returned to Alaska where my son took all my writings and started publishing the book.

I would not have known that Trump would be President for a second term except for what the prophets were saying. This came from some of the prophets that I knew about, and many I had never heard of said they received prophecies that Trump would serve a second term. And no prophets that I knew of were saying he would not. I knew enough about a few of them that I am convinced that they are true prophets, but as I listened to some of the others, I was not always convinced they were true prophets, but I was also not convinced that they were not. I believed the prophets and believed that Trump would be elected and serve a second term. The fact is that the only people that were saying Trump would not serve a second term was the corrupt liberal media who predicted (prophesied) from their own imagination and what they can see, as they do not hear from God or have any faith in God. Again, since I was convinced some of the prophets were genuine prophets and they have a record that proves it, and no prophet saying otherwise about the election, I truly believed Trump would be reelected. Like many who believed this, I suffered some discouragement when he was not. But then after election day and the level of corruption that was revealed, I was and am still convinced that Trump won the election, that it was stolen by a thief. The corrupt liberal media, the false prophets, fought with all their might to cover up this corruption, and because of them the justice system denied us our day in court. Then the democrats did not give us a ten-day audit and falsely claimed that Trump started a riot when many of his supporters went there to have prayer meetings and were peaceful. How easy would it be for the enemy, both demonic and human, to cause those riots? If Trump wanted to start a riot, he had enough supporters to start a real insurrection. But none of his true supporters went there for that. Not only did Trump not incite it, he also publicly condemned the riots. And what did the media and social media do? They silenced him so the masses who trust in the fake news (false prophets) would not find out the truth. The evil on the left has truly reached a mature and wicked level and cannot be trusted at all. They are those who say Biden, who stole the election, is President. He is not the President, he stole it, and Justice does not have a time limit. When the truth comes out, he will not be the President.

As far as what the prophets have said, they were right, Trump won the election. As I said in the beginning of this writing, I believed our country was in trouble and in danger of Judgment, but I also believe that this is sooner than it should be. I believe as these prophets have said, it is God’s will for Trump to have a second term, for our country and for the world. Because we are the world leader, we need more time to repent and win souls before the Judgement does come. The danger was and is very real. The prophets who I know are real prophets said that it was not an absolute that Trump would get a second term, and others said it was conditional, which lines up with what I believe the Lord was revealing to me that our country is in real danger of Judgement. But this was not God’s timing, it’s the enemy’s plan to bring Judgement on this country before God’s plans. To destroy more souls. God also knows something else; though He wants to give us more time, like after 9/11, He knows we might just go back to sleep, and if we do, more souls may be lost because of it.

Too many real prophets have said Trump would be re-elected, and the truth is that he was re-elected, and God is All Powerful and can do anything. He can remove Biden and put Trump in any time He decides to. It’s very possible He’s waiting for us to see how much trouble we are in so we will wake up and stay awake. As I said, too many prophets have said he would be president, so if God does change His mind, He will let us know. Just like He let Israel know they would not be going into the promise land because of their rebellion and unbelief. He will let us know if He changes His mind, and so far, He has not said He has changed His mind. So, I will still believe that Trump will be President until God says otherwise, and if He does, I want to be like Joshua and Caleb who believed God and His prophets and get to go on to the promise land and not perish in the wilderness. (Exodus 20:7-12)

One more addition to this message, in early 2022, just before President’s Day, I prayed to the Lord and said, “Your Word says if you receive a prophet, you will receive a prophets reward.” I asked the Lord to reveal to me when President Trump would be back in office. The night before President’s Day I had a dream about Trump and Biden, though I do not recall the dream in detail, I believe it was about President Trump being restored to office. I didn’t even realize it was the night before President’s Day until I told my son about the dream, and he said it is President’s Day. I cannot say for sure that this is a correct interpterion of that dream, but my question to the Lord was “when would President Trump be restored to office,” and the dream was on President’s Day 2022, so my interpretation is that he will be restored to office some time in 2022. There is another prophet who I believe to be a real prophet whom the Lord revealed that he would be restored to office in 2022.

Amos 3:7 (NKJV)
7 Surely the Lord God does nothing,
Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.

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